Our Story

My photo
Ben and I met in 1996, began dating in 1999 and married in 2001. Now 20 years and 2 children later, we have returned to where our life together began. Ben works for the Federal Reserve and I have the privilege of staying home with our two precious boys.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Playing Catch Up...June

The beginning of June was very busy for our family

 It began with VBS at church. Somehow, I have pictures of other peoples' children but none of my own to document this event. This was Ethan's first year to participate and my first year to teach. I taught the 2's & 3's and Caden was in class with me. While everyone else had a blast with the Agency D-3 curriculum, we had a slower pace in our room and learned about Noah and the Flood. We made lots of edible crafts including cool whip rainbows, marshmallow and Froot Loop rainbows, pretzel and animal cracker Arks and incorporated all kinds of animal identification activities, patterning, animal matching, and counting activities while repeatedly sharing books that retell the story of Noah.

Baseball at the Park
Since Ethan had just finished the spring ball season, Caden wanted to try his hand at baseball as well. So Daddy spent some time with them on the field showing little brother the finer points of the game. Notice that Ethan is playing in the dirt and not the least bit interested in playing ball ;-)

Pool Time
We spent lots of time at the pool as that was a favorite way to stay cool on hot days!
 So proud of this big boy! By the end of the summer, he was swimming short distances under water without his puddle jumper. Can't wait to see these skills grow next summer!

Fishing on the River
 Ethan and Caden had their first fishing experience on the river at Uncle Roger's and Aunt Donna's weekend campsite. It was a great day spent with the cousins and playing in the cold, cold river!

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