Our Thanksgiving season began with Shadowbrook's very first Turkey Trot. Our whole family signed up to run but we woke up that Saturday morning to 30 degree temperatures and Caden with a cough and runny nose. Considering that we were heading out of town the following week, we decided that Ben would stay with Caden and that Ethan and I would bear the cold and run. For someone that is a complete bundle of energy, Ethan's endurance for distance normally isn't that great but I am so proud of him! He ran almost the whole way and only paused a few times. As soon as I would give him a little encouragement, he would go right back into his run. Yay for him and we earned our turkeys for completing the run!
After the run, our first Thanksgiving dinner was with Ben's family. It was adorable seeing all of the cousins sitting together along the bar!
Then, the week before Thanksgiving began with Shadowbrook's annual Thanksgiving Feast. This is a huge deal! The children prepare tablescapes and the teachers prepare lunch for all of the students' families. Before the feast, the students present a program for parents in the sanctuary before we head over to the Family Life Center for the feast. Ethan did great! He was a little Indian on the back row and sang with the hand motions exactly like he was supposed to. Caden did his usual thumb in the mouth. We have tried so hard to convince him that big boys don't do that :-( And not only did he suck his thumb on stage, but he reused to wear his Indian shirt, necklace, or feather hat. Yep, that's my child...the one standing front and center on the stage sucking his thumb and not wearing a costume.
Then, the week before Thanksgiving began with Shadowbrook's annual Thanksgiving Feast. This is a huge deal! The children prepare tablescapes and the teachers prepare lunch for all of the students' families. Before the feast, the students present a program for parents in the sanctuary before we head over to the Family Life Center for the feast. Ethan did great! He was a little Indian on the back row and sang with the hand motions exactly like he was supposed to. Caden did his usual thumb in the mouth. We have tried so hard to convince him that big boys don't do that :-( And not only did he suck his thumb on stage, but he reused to wear his Indian shirt, necklace, or feather hat. Yep, that's my child...the one standing front and center on the stage sucking his thumb and not wearing a costume.
Ethan finally spotted Mommy in the crowd and had to show his buddy where we were sitting
Caden was one of the first ones off of the stage and ran straight to Aunt Wanda. Daddy wasn't able to go to the feast so Aunt Wanda stepped in :-)
Then Ethan came running up for some Aunt Wanda loving
Caden made his placemat and a terra cotta turkey
Ethan made his placemat, turkey salt and pepper shakers, and a can that contained the Fruits of the Spirit and what he could do that demonstrated those fruits. It was so completely precious reading his answers.
After we finished that week of school, we headed to Mimi's to spend the week of Thanksgiving. Daddy worked from Mimi's house and Mommy tried to get a few things prepared to help Mimi get ready for the big Turkey Day dinner. But Mimi made sure that she included her little helpers in the preparations!
All the way down to the cleanup...now if only they would do that at home!
Thanksgiving morning started with the Macy's parade and Wii. Ben and Ethan had a blast playing golf!
After the big meal was over, it was time to put together the Black Friday game plan. Since Mom lives in a small town, it has become sort of a tradition to shop at the only store in town...Wal-Mart.
So we made our lists and a group set out to shop while Mom and I stayed home with the littles.
Before the shopping spree began, we did take some time for a family photo session.
Maw-Maw and Zeke
We tried several versions of the cousin picture but this was the best I got of who knows how many we took!
Then it was our turn...
And Mimi with the grandbabies.
Not a single one where they were all looking, but I love how Ethan is looking at Collier.
My sweetest little niece ever!
Sweet goodbyes when Uncle Chad, Aunt Ashley, & Collier had to leave

But, as a great distraction, Ms. Amy came by to visit and gave the boys a ride on the lawnmower.
The boys love Ms. Amy!
I am so thankful that mom has a circle of friends that love my children as much as we do!
And after a great week at Mimi's, it was time to head back home. Now, to get ready for Christmas!
But, as a great distraction, Ms. Amy came by to visit and gave the boys a ride on the lawnmower.
The boys love Ms. Amy!
I am so thankful that mom has a circle of friends that love my children as much as we do!
And after a great week at Mimi's, it was time to head back home. Now, to get ready for Christmas!
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