It's mid-January, but I am finally getting Christmas pictures posted! It has been a whirlwind last 5 weeks. Since mid-December, we have packed up our home(sniff, sniff), traveled back to Georgia and Alabama to see family for the holidays, then returned to Texas and sold our home, moved to our new house(no stairs!!!), unpacked and gotten settled in, began getting ready for baby #2's arrival, and returned to work. Can you say EXHAUSTED! Thankfully, it's all behind us and we are finally finding a new routine.
Even with everything going on, Christmas was magical this year! Ethan was old enough get into Christmas and was quite the little ham. As you can see from all of the different outfits/pajamas below, Christmas was a multi-day event this year!

Trying out Maw-Maw's toboggan.

Yea, Yea, Yea!! Presents!!

This was his first look at Christmas morning! It was priceless! We missed the picture, but as soon as he saw everything his face lit up with a big grin. Then he looked up at me with this look on his face that said "Is this really for me? Can I touch it?"

Testing out the golf set was an all day event.

Then he found his next favorite! He loved his rocking chair!

And, oh yes, a big boy tricycle! We've got some growing to do, though.

Sitting on his little stool, talking on his Elmo phone. Oh, yes, at 18 months we know exactly who Elmo is and we don't even watch Sesame Street!

Getting into the hang of this present thing with Grandad.

Can you say SPOILED!
Thank you Santa Claus, Mimi, Grandad, Maw-Maw, Uncle Chad and Aunt Ashley!
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