The other day, I caught this picture. I was cracking up! It was hilarious watching Ethan and Lucy just stare at each other. You could just see their thinking. Ethan...Wow, I can't wait to get a hold of her! Lucy...So I guess he's not going anywhere and I have to get used to him taking up all of Mommy and Daddy's time.
It's great watching the two of them start to connect to each other. Lucy loves to come up and lick him and every time Lucy walks in front of him, Ethan just stares at her.

This is the most perfect age! Ethan is starting to reach for things and play with his toys(with help, of course). The other day, he was "playing" his piano all by himself! Everything is so engaging and he gets the giggles all of the time. His little face lights up and he is so excited at the littlest of things. He is talking all of the time and now he loves to grunt. I LOVE hearing him talk, it truly is the best sound that I have ever heard!
what happened to little tiny newborn ethan..........he has grown so much!!! oh just precious!!! and just so you know.......EVERY age is the most perfect age!!! it just gets better and better!! :-)
Robert and I said those words every month for the first two years of our little Blake's life! We then started laughing at ourselves because we said it each month. "This is the perfect age" Every month has something new and fun to offer as you watch them grow and change!
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