Well, my Mom was here for Thanksgiving and she was holding the baby as we were eating dessert. She remarked that he looked interested in her plate. I told her what we had been doing, so she brought her fork close to his mouth and as she did he leaned forward, opened his mouth, and attempted a big bite of coconut cake! My mom quickly took her fork away from his mouth, but he did such a good job that there was a piece of coconut dangling from his lips. I certainly did not want coconut cake to be his first meal, so we quickly mixed up some cereal for him try. He was pretty interested in the first few bites and looked completely adorable with it all over him. So much for holding out until he was 6 months old!
Our Story
- Ben and Nikki
- Ben and I met in 1996, began dating in 1999 and married in 2001. Now 20 years and 2 children later, we have returned to where our life together began. Ben works for the Federal Reserve and I have the privilege of staying home with our two precious boys.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Baby's First Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Fall Fun
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Having a Blast!
Don't get me wrong, he is in fabulous hands while I am gone and Ben has just begun working from home every Thursday and Friday so he now has extra time to spend with him. While I am thrilled that his every want and need is being met and he is getting tons of love and attention, I am saddened by the fact that he is not getting it from me. I want to be the one showering him with attention every day. This is my first week back and I am so thankful that we only have one full week until Thanksgiving holidays!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
5lbs 15 oz
I went to see baby Aubrey yesterday and she is absolutely beautiful! Looking back, the unbiased Mommy in me can say that my Ethan was born with a jaundiced little squished up face, but at that time I thought he was the most handsome and perfect baby God had ever put on this Earth. Now I know that he didn't become the most perfect and handsome baby until now. Little Aubrey does not have a squished up face and is not jaundiced. She weighs 5 lbs 15 oz and is so tiny. What is amazing about this is that this is the exact same weight Ethan was when he came home from the hospital and even though it was only 4 months ago, I can't remember him ever being that small. Aubrey fit in 1 arm and although I am sure that he did, too, it just seems like it was so long ago. I just can't believe that he has grown so much in such a short time. Isn't it funny that even though my last post had a picture of him in his carseat when he came home from the hospital at that same weight, it took holding little Aubrey for me to truly realize how much he has grown! Is it crazy that I am already thinking how sweet it would be to have another one that little again?!?! Way too soon, I know!
Friday, November 6, 2009
This Is It
My baby boy is 17 weeks old today and this is it. My final day of being a full-time Mommy. This has been the most wonderful almost four months that I have ever known. There is a joy and happiness like no other that comes with parenthood. Each day is a new adventure watching Ethan grow, laugh, and be fascinated by his surroundings. He is perfect in every way and now I completely understand the rude people that I have heard say, "Oh, if you don't have children then you can't understand." I couldn't imagine ever saying that to someone, but there is some truth to it. Before he came along, Ben and I were different people and I must admit that we allowed our jobs to create our identity. Now that Ethan is here my world has been forever changed and as much as I love being a teacher, that title no longer holds my identity. Ben and I both wake up every morning and our first thoughts are about our son.
I must admit that I have done a lot of growing up with Ethan over the last few months. When he first came home from the hospital, he was so tiny and I was a little afraid of how I would handle being a new Mommy. But in the weeks after he was born, a new confidence and pride developed knowing that I was the person he relied on more than anyone else in the world. Of course, being the sole provider of his nourishment might have a little to do with that. The love that Ben and I have for this precious baby that God has allowed us to care for and raise is indescribable.
Ethan and I spend our days playing together, talking to each other, reading books, and dancing together. It is so sad to think that Monday morning will come and someone else is now going to have all of the time that up to this point has been Mommytime.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Stare-down

It's great watching the two of them start to connect to each other. Lucy loves to come up and lick him and every time Lucy walks in front of him, Ethan just stares at her.

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