February was a busy month!
Ethan started with swim. He's spent the last couple of months swimming twice a week. He absolutely loves it and this has been a great way to burn off some of his energy!
Then we had Valentine's Day celebrations at school. Caden requested a fire truck box and we worked hard to create one :-)
After that, Mimi came into town for the weekend and we had a rare night away to be Ben and Nikki and not Mommy and Daddy. It was amazing to have time together for just the two of us!

The next week we had a couple of very nice days so Daddy and the boys decided to work in the backyard. Ben blew the leaves into the center of the yard while Ethan and Caden threw them in the air and played in leaf pile :-)
Followed by a few very cold days. Sadly, the boys (and Mommy) wanted snow soooo badly but all we got was an ice storm. Complete with a power outage for several long hours, one missed day of school, and lots of fallen trees.
The day after the ice storm was the 100th day of school for this little old man.
I think he looks pretty adorable!
Unfortunately, I have not been very good at documenting the last couple of months. Hopefully, March will be better!